Mastering Wushu Performance/Competition

The real display of skill in wushu is the fire and passion in a competitor’s performance. Just as in music and dance, skill is displayed simply through awareness in one’s gaze and sharpness in one’s movements. It could also be argued that the moments between sequences, when a pose is being held or the arms and feet are moving through a transition, are equally as important as the techniques themselves. It’s all about what sets you apart from the competition, and that’s in the details? The precision, clarity, synchronization, grace, flow, strength, power, and harmony of one’s entire form. Attitude is also up for judgment and comes out with the beginning and ending of each form. How easy it is to read disappointment in someone’s face and body language as they walk off the mat! Just as in music or dance, wushu competitors must learn how to keep their energy up after a mistake, fake it when distracted, and remain confident the entire time they are in front of the judges. As the old adage goes, “the show must go on!”.  Exceptional athletes are the ones that are driven by competition and rising to new heights under the pressure of judgment.  “JIAYO!”

The most important thing is to do your best in the competition. JUST ROCK THE CARPET!

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